SARS COV-2 UPDATE – Bare with me on this. I have to give you the official low-down. Questions? Email [email protected]
On May 26, 2020, an updated Directive #2 for Health Care Providers was implemented allowing for the gradual restart of deferred and non-essential health services. The updated Directive allows for naturopaths to gradually resume the provision of deferred and non-essential services provided they comply with the requirements set out in the COVID-19 Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart, and the guidelines in this document.
With your health and safety as my top priority, I have taken every precautionary method based on guidelines from the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) and my respective College (College of Naturopaths of Ontario). My goal is to implement these new measures while maintaining the calm healing environment you have become accustomed to.
I value your commitment to your health and your trust in working with me. In order to support your health and the continuity of your care, I have implemented the following.
What to expect to ensure safety and health of both patient and staff as we limit unnecessary contact and potential exposure to COVID-19:
Scheduling appointments
- At this current time, I ask that you use my online appointment scheduler ( or contact me by phone at 416-728-2439 to ensure physical distancing
- Once your treatment/consultation is booked, you will receive a confirmation email with the Covid- 19 pre-screening questions for you to read before attending your future appointment.
- The screening questions will be presented to you and a consent to treat will need to be signed upon arrival at the office.
- If you have travelled outside of Ontario in the past 14 days please self-isolate for 14 days prior to coming to your appointment.
- Telemedicine visits are available and if deemed suitable can be preferable to respect social distancing.
- Payment can be made by credit or debit. The POS machine will be cleaned and sanitised after each use.
- Cash will not be accepted.
- E Transfer payments will be accepted only BEFORE the appointment takes place. If this is your preference, please let me know so I can then let you know the amount owing.
- Receipts for payment will be emailed to you.
Day of appointment
- Call prior to appointment if you have any new onset of the following
symptoms: Fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, sore throat, headache, unexplained pain or body aches, chills or shaking with chills, diarrhea or reduction in taste or smell. Contact your primary care physician immediately for assistance. I will postpone your appointment in case and waive my last minute cancellation policy fee. (You may rebook once you are 14 days symptom free). - Arrive on time to minimize exposure to other patients and wait times. My appointments will be spaced to make it very unlikely that you will be in the vicinity of another patient.
- Wear a face mask as you enter the building and clinic. If you do not own a mask, you may use a scarf.
- Upon arriving in the lobby and before entering the treatment room, use the hand sanitizer or the soap and water in the bathroom practicing Hand Rubbing for 20 seconds
- Limit articles brought into the treatment room.
- The waiting area will be available for one patient at a time and will be used for the Covid-19 pre-screening questioning.
- Attend your appointment alone unless a child under the age of 18 needs one adult in attendance or if you require a care-giver. All protocols apply to accompanying/ support person.
- If you must cough or sneeze during the appointment, you are asked to do so into your elbow, or tissue. Re-wash your hands.
- At the end of your treatment session, you will be asked to wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or use hand rub with hand sanitizer provided.
What I am doing:
- I am seeing one patient at a time with sufficient time between appointments to reduce risk of contact.
- I will be wearing a mask for your entire appointment time, utilizing regular hand washing practices and wearing gloves.
- I am thoroughly cleaning and sanitising the treatment area between clients.
Thank you for your patience and collaboration in advance as we work together to create a safe, happy, and healthy environment!
Now more than ever, I am committed to helping you take back control of your health and your life during these challenging times.
Lydia Thurton, ND